Any creature adjacent to the wall is automatically grappled by it. )You can make the wall as thin as 5 feet thick, which allows you to shape the wall as a number of 10-by-10-by-5-foot blocks equal to twice your caster level. A wall of thorns spell creates a barrier of very tough, pliable, tangled brush bearing needle-sharp thorns as long as a human’s nger. If you wish, the wall can be of a shorter length or height. It's probably just referring to the magic being active for the duration.I agree the wording isn't great but given the rest of the wording it is an instant spell to me. The only thing is the shape, unless it says otherwise I think you are restrained to only a straight wall. It's immune to critical hits and precision damage. Components V, S. Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level). A wall of thorns spell creates a barrier of very tough, pliable, tangled brush bearing needle-sharp thorns as long as a human's finger. You must create the wall in an unbroken open space so its edges don’t pass through any creatures or objects, or the spell is lost. Of course, moving or attempting to move through the thorns incurs damage as described above.
School conjuration (creation); Level druid 5. You must create the wall in an unbroken open space so its edges don’t pass through any creatures or objects, or the spell is lost. The wall stands vertically. You create a 5-foot-thick wall of brambles and thorns in a straight line up to 60 feet long and 10 feet high. Chopping away at the wall creates a safe passage 1 foot deep for every 10 minutes of work. If you wish, the wall can be … Dexterity and dodge bonuses to AC do not count for this calculation. Any creature forced into or attempting to move through a wall of thorns takes piercing damage per round of movement equal to 25 minus the creature’s AC. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. A destroyed section can be moved through freely.We see the cast time is not 1 minute, it is 3 actions. It says it takes 3 actions to cast, so the spell text can't be loosely interpreted to mean a minute casting time. 5e was my first RPG, and it's always gonna have a place in my heart. For useful links, visit like you're using new Reddit on an old browser.
If your interpretation was correct the Cast entry would say 1 minute and not just material, somatic, verbal.If your interpretation was correct the Cast entry would say 1 minute and not just material, somatic, verbal.The real key isn't the components, it's the 3 diamond symbol that you can't copy & paste out of the original source. Any creature forced into or attempting to move through a wall of thorns takes piercing damage per round of movement equal to 25 minus the creature's AC.Dexterity and dodge bonuses to AC do not count for this calculation. I didn't seem to notice a difference in the properties of the text itself.It's probably intended as instant cast, minute duration. A wall of thorns spell creates a barrier of very tough, pliable, tangled brush bearing needle-sharp thorns as long as a human’s nger. (Do not divide cold damage by 2, as normal for objects.) Effect wall of thorny brush, up to one 10-ft. cube/level (S). Wall of fire can be made permanent with a permanency spell. Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no. Creatures with the ability to pass through overgrown areas unhindered can pass through a wall of thorns at normal speed without taking damage. Source wall of thorns. "The two ways this can be interpreted seems to be either it takes a minute to cast, then lasts for a minute, or it doesn't do anything because by the time it finishes forming the duration is over lol.I personally would just make it instant like literally every other wall spell in the game, especially considering it's a three action spell. Everything on each side of the wall has cover from creatures on the opposite side, and the wall's spaces are difficult terrain. The other way would just be useless and i don't think they'd go out of their way to make a spell uselessThe flavor text of the spell doesn't change how the spell works.A single sentence from a spell is never a good judge of a spell. Normal fire cannot harm the barrier, but magical fire burns it away in 10 minutes.The text on this page is Open Game Content, and is licensed for public use under the terms of the Core Rules. (Creatures with an AC of 25 or higher, without considering Dexterity and dodge bonuses, take no damage from contact with the wall. Any creature forced into or attempting to move through a wall of thorns takes slashing damage per round of movement equal to 25 minus the creature’s AC. What are your thoughts?If it costed a minute to cast it would say so in the area with the action cost.
Any creature that begins its turn grappled by the wall takes 2d6 points of damage. Any creature forced into or attempting to move through a wall of thorns takes piercing damage per round of movement equal to 25 minus the creature’s AC. The damage dealt increases to 30 minus the creature's AC.
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