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which states have mandatory flu vaccinations

**In Virginia, parents can receive a personal exemption only for the HPV vaccine. All 50 states have legislation requiring specified vaccines for students. For more information, please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Ongoing provider outreach and public education about vaccines and the diseases they prevent may also lead to such an increase.CDC’s Public Health Law Program (PHLP) has compiled state statutes and regulations regarding school vaccinations. All 50 states have legislation requiring specified vaccines for students. State laws establish vaccination requirements for school children. This is a quickly evolving area of law, so you’ll want to find out whether your state has taken a stand. We are the nation's most respected bipartisan organization providing states support, ideas, connections and a strong voice on Capitol Hill. Most of the 2019-2020 flu vaccine is quadrivalent vaccine and also protects against an additional B virus (B/Phuket/3073/2013-like virus). This is a B/Yamagata lineage virus.

FILE – This Jan. 23, 2020 file photo shows a patient receiving a flu vaccination in Mesquite, Texas. There are 45 states and Washington D.C. that grant religious exemptions for people who have religious objections to immunizations. Saving Lives, Protecting People More information about influenza vaccines is available at Preventing Seasonal Flu With Vaccination . ***Missouri’s personal belief exemption does not apply to public schools, only child care facilities.
Currently, 15 states allow philosophical exemptions for those who object to immunizations because of personal, moral or other beliefs. Although exemptions vary from state to state, all school immunization laws grant exemptions to children for medical reasons. State and local vaccination requirements for daycare and school entry are important tools for maintaining high vaccination coverage rates, and in turn, lower rates of vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs). State and local vaccination requirements for daycare and school entry are important tools for maintaining high vaccination coverage rates, and in turn, lower rates of vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs).State laws establish vaccination requirements for school children. Be sure to visit our Vaccine Law page, which provides a summary of state vaccine laws and exemptions available in different states, including which states require the signature of a medical doctor or other state-designated health care worker in order to file a non-medical exemption. Communications, Financial Services and Interstate CommerceStates With Religious and Philosophical Exemptions From School Immunization Requirementsdiscontinues the practice of allowing local health departments to vaccinate students and recover costs.Copyright 2020 by National Conference of State Legislatures Although exemptions …
CDC twenty four seven. Mandatory vaccines are controversial, and some states have stepped in to legislate in the area of school and workplace vaccination policies, particularly for healthcare employers. According to a study released on Wednesday, June 24, 2020, flu vaccines … State laws also establish mechanisms for enforcement of school vaccination requirements and exemptions.Studies have shown that vaccine exemptions tend to cluster geographically, making some communities at greater risk for outbreaks (Practices suggested in the literature to reduce non-medical exemptions include:In summary, vaccination requirements that reach more children through a broad range of facilities, that have more requirements for receiving an exemption, that require parental documentation of exemption requests, and that are implemented with strong enforcement and monitoring may help promote higher rates of vaccination coverage, and in turn, lower rates of VPDs. These laws often apply not only to children attending public schools but also to those attending private schools and day care facilities. All states provide medical exemptions, and some state laws also offer exemptions for religious and/or philosophical reasons.

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which states have mandatory flu vaccinations