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How to tenderize abalone

Remove and set aside. If you have large steaks or whole animals, you want to slice the abalone into 1/4 inch wide slices. Small palm sized abalone is usually farm raised. There are plenty of great ways to cook abalone, but a sure-fire method is to Some people use a meat tenderizer but you may have success gently tapping all over the abalone slice with the back of a large spoon—this method tenderizes the flesh without tearing it. The abalone is clean and sliced into small pieces. Believe it or not, some people beat it with a baseball bat, while others stew it up and slow cook until tender.

The way abalone is cooked will affect its tenderness.

Then, slice it into thin 1/4 inch slices. Cultured abalone may be slightly more tender than wild-run.Frozen …

Pound the slice until tender, checking the abalone's texture every once in a while. It needs tenderizing—or long, slow cooking to tenderize it—or it will have the texture of a rubber tire. Only strike the abalone hard enough to indent it without piercing it. By using The Spruce Eats, you accept our His online photography portfolio is at Enter your email below, and keep updated with the latest. Before you begin pounding, touch the abalone slice with your fingers so you know how it feels before being tenderized. Get daily tips and expert advice to help you take your cooking skills to the next level. Once you remove the whole abalone from its shell, you will see it is attached to the guts, which is called the viscera.

Open a section between the abalone and the shell by working the spatula between the non-attached flesh and the shell until you hit the muscle that The guts must be removed as soon as the abalone is dead.Remove abalone flesh from the shell by sliding a short-bladed knife around the edge, between the flesh and the shell, cutting the flesh from the shell.Using a small clean scrubbing brush or clean pot scourer, scrub the mucus off the skirt (black or green fringe) for a more attractive appearance.Abalones often need to be tenderised before further preparation. Serve it fresh, chilled, and with a spritz of lemon, a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, and a dusting of sea salt or a drip of soy sauce with a tiny dollop of wasabi.

Abalone is a large marine gastropod mollusk (a.k.a. A second option is to pound the entire cleaned abalone.

Once tenderized, abalone is best described as a cross between scallops and foie gras (in a good way). An award-winning food writer and cookbook author, Molly Watson has created more than 1,000 recipes focused on local, seasonal ingredients. While the abalone is steaming, heat oil in pan and fry the minced garlic till golden brown and crispy. For the largest and best wild abalone, you need to dive for them or know someone who will since it is illegal to sell wild abalone. Next, you need to cut or scrub off the black edges, and then remove any tough pieces from the abalone. The impact from the mallet helps break down connective tissues, contributing to a softer and more pliable texture.

Scrape off the suction cups with a knife. This can be done by wrapping the cleaned abalone in a clean towel and pounding it with a baseball bat or similar piece of wood, or pounding the wrapped abalone against a hard surface, being careful to pound gently to avoid tearing too much of the abalone flesh. Chef Louis uses a rubber mallet to help tenderize the abalone. An award-winning food writer and cookbook author, Molly Watson has created more than 1,000 recipes focused on local, seasonal ingredients. Pound on both sides with a mallet until flattened. Next, trim away the flanged edges and all the intestines. A final way to tenderize abalone is in the cooking, either by braising or stewing it. Now it’s time to tenderize the meat. Some people use a meat tenderizer but you may have success gently tapping all over the abalone slice with the back of a large spoon—this method tenderizes the flesh without tearing it. You can either remove this before slicing by carefully cutting it away without taking off any of the meat, or you can slice the abalone first and then cut off any tough skin from each piece. Abalone is famously delicious when prepared properly, considered kind of a cross between scallops and foie gras.

His photo works have been used in OEHHA Fish Advisories, National Geographic presentations, and nonprofit marine life groups. If you are not diving for wild abalone, there are several abalone farms in California and

Start by trimming away the dark, curly edges, which tend to stay tough. Careful management has brought population levels back a bit and some recreational harvesting is allowed.

Pieces that are about 1/4-inch thick work well.

You need to cut the abalone into thin slices. The first, and most common way is to slice the abalone and then gently but thoroughly pound each slice with a meat tenderizer or the back of a large spoon. This may not be the most pleasant of tasks, but you need to separate the two from each other using a knife and discard the viscera. Or, use a jaccard tool and make cuts all the way through the meat slices in several spots. Wrap the meat in plastic wrap. It takes a bit more time to do it this way, but it preserves more of the edible, hard-to-get and/or expensive meat. Taste-wise, abalone is also a distant cousin to calamari.

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How to tenderize abalone