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xanesha stat block pathfinder

In fact, I had made it that they were, in her eyes, the people that she idolized as a young lamia near the fall of the empire.

This website is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo Publishing. So, to save them, drop clues, lots of clues, that this is a death-zone and needs research. I ran this encounter for my group this past weekend, and while it was no cakewalk, it was certainly never close to a TPK.At the Seven's Sawmill, they quickly defeated Ironbriar. I'm going off of the Anniversary Edition. The sorcerer found the edge with no I don't recall exactly how many rounds the fight took, but it was long enough that Xanesha's The paladin's smite and divine bond were enormously helpful, as were the inquisitor's judgment and If she hadn't been cocky, she could probably have killed 'em all. Between Lucretria (renamed Lucinda in my campaign) and Xanesha, my players developed a healthy fear of the Fateless. She meleed like mad, and when she got low, she Dim Door'd one level below. Xanesha's spell-like ability caster level is 11. One was magic missile...shut off by the shield...the other was shut off by the SR18...which at 6th level with bonuses still left only a 50/50 shot of getting a spell off on them. Forum list *Dungeons & Dragons *RPGs General *Pathfinder & Starfinder EN Publishing *Geek Talk & Media. Oh, and the player had just joined us -- that was his first fight of the campaign, and indeed his first fight in Pathfinder.

My group set free the greater Barghest at the end of chapter one through a poor selection of choices. The first group went in loaded with spider climb, which allowed their casters to remain outside the Xanesha awaits the party's arrival here, no doubt aware of their presence at this point. Xanesha recognized them for who they were, even if they didn't know themselves. The thing is my players have been steamrolling the last few combats, and they have a lot of raw power. This contains major Rise of the Runelords spoilers so if you are a player in that AP please stop reading now for your own sake!So I am about to run the last session in the Skinsaw Murders where the party will fight Xanesha. My party consisted of a Cleric, Wizard, Rogue Sniper, Flowing Qinggong Monk, and a Bladebound Magus. This seems to be a prevailing theme on the BBEG's throughout the campaign.That said, it still was a near wipe for my party. Kill off a PC or two so the encounter is memorable, but then have the creature make a prudent retreat. I ran it as written and even played her less smart than I might've, and it was still a slaughter.Having read through the entirety of RotRL, there are only 5 other opponents with an AC that rivals hers. One helpful move was to disarm her of her pesky spear via my air elemental, its flyby attack feat and a potion of true strike.
It also really depends on how your party handles the fight. Resources. to close on Scarecrow, and provoked an AoO -- which critically hit. A letter from a mysterious woman named Xanesha, found in Aldern's possession deep in the bowels of Foxglove Manor Aldern,

Though they're currently up against a Succubus so they should learn the fear of charming monsters and be prepared against her charms. They have to get up a very dangerous belltower, and they might not all arrive at the top at the same time. stealth (away from the meat shield and near an archer or caster maybe)5th She starts with 5 figments of herself, invisible, popping up next to a caster...6th on wards, choosing a kill order of Caster, then light armored, then Tanks as she can fly and they typically can't.You can find a thread based on this encounter here.
. She eventually fled invisibly, returning in Hook Mountain.Perhaps it normally does stat blocks that way...but in her stat includes +1 AC from her tunic but none from the mage armor spell which would increase it by 3 more, there is not listed in her stat block for the shield spell, which is another 4, and there is none listed for haste which is another 1. Use your search-fu :)On page 53 of Skinsaw murders, under her stats in the TACTICS section within the paragraph begining "Before Combat". This is where you’ll find all of the information you need to run the NPC in an encounter.

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xanesha stat block pathfinder