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sardine can reservations

5. Sardine accepts reservations up to one month in advance, to the calendar date. There is vault toilets and piped water. The dish is ready to be served with steamed rice. Drive 1 1/2 miles north on Gold Lake Hwy and take a left on Sardine Lake Road. Hipcamp is working closely with the government to allow bookings here asap. Book a reservation at Sardine.
For no shows or late cancellations on special event nights we may be required to charge your card the pre-agreed deposit amount. Sardine Campground is located 1 and 1/2 miles north of Bassetts on the Gold Lake highway and 1/2 mile south west on the Sardine Lake Road. The king of fish stews, with a seasonal selection of Cornish day-boat fish and shellfish served in two parts. ", "delivery_service_url": null, "venue_id": "ahNzfnNldmVucm9vbXMtc2VjdXJlchwLEg9uaWdodGxvb3BfVmVudWUYgICI3tSa9QkM", "is_venue_specific_marketing_default_on": "false", "venue_name": "Sardine", "text_venue_group_marketing_opt_in": "Receive news and offers for all Stevie Parle locations", "text_venue_specific_marketing_opt_in": "Receive the newsletter & occasional offers from Sardine", "marketing_opt_in_policy": "From time to time, we'll contact you via email to keep you in the loop about what's happening at Sardine! This area offers an abundance of beautiful high mountain lakes surrounded by scenic rugged granitic ridges and glacially serrated rock outcroppings. ", "multi_language_enabled": false, "venue_languages_json": "[]", "atmosphere_keywords": ["Vegetarian Options", "Casual"], "category_keywords": ["Restaurant"], "address": "15 Micawber Street", "marketing_tab_enabled": true, "gmaps_link": "", "twitter_link": "", "name": "Sardine", "cross_street": null, "hijack_reservation_widget": false, "country": "United Kingdom", "facebook_link": "", "event_widget_purchase_policy": "We kindly ask that any cancellation be made no less than 24 hours prior to your booking.
", "website": "", "menu_link": "", "snapchat_link": null, "account_id": "acct_1DsV1VGidAfu97aZ", "needs_zip_code": false, "agree_to_waitlist_policy": "Tables will be held up to 5 minutes from the time that we've notified you that your table is ready. Located at 15 Micawber Street, London, SW7 1DL, GB. Hipcamp is working closely with the government to allow bookings here asap. ", "is_venue_group_marketing_default_on": "false", "delivery_button_text": "Order Online"}}, "selected_language": "", "delivery_service_url": null, "alternate_launch_text": "Order Now", "suppress_sr_dining_analytics": false, "tealium_account": null, "id": "ahNzfnNldmVucm9vbXMtc2VjdXJlchwLEg9uaWdodGxvb3BfVmVudWUYgICI3tSa9QkM", "locale": "en_GB", "state": null, "marketing_opt_in_policy": "From time to time, we'll contact you via email to keep you in the loop about what's happening at Sardine! Due to below freezing temperatures, the system has been winterized and water is no longer available as of 10/03/2016. ", "payment_system": "STRIPE", "default_age_to_consent": "18", "alternate_launch_text": "Order Now", "payment_public_token": "pk_live_5txkKpHf0uRDn6g7ApW1cVbc", "threed_secure": false, "default_above_age_consent_on": "false", "hijack_reservation_widget": false, "special_attention_message_header": "Our commitment to your safety during COVID-19", "tax_groups": [{"tax_rate": 0.0, "id": "ahNzfnNldmVucm9vbXMtc2VjdXJlcjYLEhRuaWdodGxvb3BfVmVudWVHcm91cBiAgIjOntOUCgwLEghUYXhHcm91cBiAgKiBkLjsCww", "tax_name": "0.0% Sales Tax"}], "start_of_day_time": "06:00:00", "marketing_opt_in_venue_group_policy": "From time to time, we'll contact you via email to keep you in the loop about what's happening at all our locations! It has 29 campsites- 15 have space for trailers. ", "special_attention_message_header": "Our commitment to your safety during COVID-19", "city": "London", "payment_type": "STRIPE", "currency_symbol": "\u00a3", "start_of_day_time": "06:00:00", "marketing_opt_in_venue_group_policy": "From time to time, we'll contact you via email to keep you in the loop about what's happening at all our locations! \r\n Some guests may be seated on our large table. Book a reservation at Sardine. To book a table please call or whatsapp (+62)8113978111 or (+62)8113978333 PAN ROASTED MAHI MAHI Ginger, Sesame & Spring Onion Coulis, Rice Noodle, Prawn, Calamari, Shiitake & Seaweed Salad, Rice Wine-Truffle Dressing From 89 N to 49 N: Drive 13 miles headed west to Bassett's Station. Continue for 1/2 mile until reaching campground. Reservations: This site can be reserved by calling Toll Free 1-877-444-6777 (International 518-885-3639 or TDD 877-833-6777), or on-line at Fees $24 per site $5 for extra vehicle Open Season: Open June 19 Usage:

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sardine can reservations