I carry when sitting upon the proclaim throne. As they approached, barking, I drew my sidearm, and my wife and I backpedaled out of the area. I’ve seen my dog get kicked by a punk half his weight and respond by running behind me to hide.You really kicked the hornet’s nest on this one Serge.
The perfect addition to any pitbull lover's home with this cheery chickadee and pitbull duo!
Dog owners who choose not to obey the law cannot be expected to respond reasonably to logic and reason. Even when the person does not act in an aggressive manner. One qualified as a mauling. That’s true of any dog, of course, but take no chances with your pit bull, Doberman, etc.Anyone owner who’s dog is killed under such circumstances should be charged with animal abuse. Just like you wouldn’t wait to see if an armed robber actually intends to kill you for your wallet before using deadly force.What’s really troubling is how many people these days seem to value an animal’s life over a humans. I always say to people like you, I hope the next person to get attacked is you, not some small child getting off the bus or even one that is being a child and slaps your mutant on the ass! MATCHING DESIGNS: With a knitted design and contrasting cuffs, our doggy sweatshirts are an adorable addition to your dog's clothes! He was well aware of their potential for violence, and was careful. This Pit Bull Angel Dog Statue is exclusive to my shop. ?…..“Who the fk complains about a dog LICKING THEM???? Stay the hell off of my property.Click Click boom and the dog goes to the Chinese food restaurant.Guys like you are what give dog owners a bad name. Pitbulls are genetically wired for fighting and pretending that they are a tame, social breed is no different than trying to say a high content wolf is a lap dog. I was not armed at the time. It’s evidence of a serious danger to others, good for a few days in a state hospital, and if you clear that, jail time. Meanwhile the malamute was circling for an opportunity for an attack. The mismatch of reality and expectation creates problems. They’re basically saying who are you and what are you doing here. Explain?Well, typically a police dog only bites if you flee after committing a crime, or after disobeying a lawful command from a police officer. That’s when she tacked on another 3 months to the original 1 month TPO against me. Spurred by roosters, you name it, lol. But hey internet anonymity.Still not hot on the reading comprehension skills I see.Dude you’re an idiot and you have a skewed sense of morality. You should hear some of the crazy s*** my neighbor’s little jerkwad chihuahua says about my mom and wife. Owners on the other hand, most times dont seem to have enough common sense to own a dog of any breed. Etc. I’ve been attacked by dogs who got off their leashes four times over the years while jogging in surrounding neighborhoods here in L.A. County. He apologized profusely. I guess he didn’t care about being sued for medical/bite damages.
I ended up wading into the dogs and pulling my dog out with the remarkably restrained use of a large stick. They just want to be petted when approached. The problem is that leash laws and dangerous animal laws have weak penalties and are laxly enforced. Letting them run around half-ignored at the end of a 25′ retractable leash is a recipe for a bad time. However, the breed thing just needs to fucking die. The owner is likely in the line of fire, as they try to stop their dog.A lot of gun owners are shit at hitting their target, especially if that target is moving fast.
Even yours. You get the dbag of the day award and anybody that gives your opinion a second thought is wasting their time.Keep your dog that wants to challenge people on your property or it gets blasted and it’ll be your fault.
When people or other dogs want to greet him, I kneel down to his level and keep his leash taut with my weak hand, keeping my strong hand ready to pull him or my weapon if the need arises.
5 out of 5 stars (44) 44 reviews $ 75.00.
Most of those were German shepherds. I’ll buy a couple.World Star Hip Hop is one of the best national resources for the police to catch criminals. I don’t care who you are, or if the dog is a puppy or not. I dont always CC, but 99.9% of the time I have at least two knives and a packer. Oh, and that breed is 1/6th American Pit Bull Terrier, so he has about as much APBT in him as the average fighting dog breeder rescue. If you were a responsible dog owner, you’d have that animal trained properly to not growl or bare its teeth except on your explicit orders. what is WRONG with the younger generation?
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