Using a bond skill instead of fury also mitigates the damage he'll take when having to fight off multiple enemies at once while on the front lines. Like most defensive units, Attack Smoke can be used to provide extra bulk.Camus is naturally bulky and I decided Fort.
Camus is a blond-haired young man with a black coat, pants and cape. Ask.
At the dawn of the War of Shadows, King Ludwick of Grust quickly allied with the Dolhr Empire, ruled by the cruel For two years, Camus successfully protected Archanea and Nyna from further decline; in the interim Nyna and he slowly developed a mutual affection.
That's all folks We post Fire Emblem and other IntSys games memes.
However, Medeus grew tired of Camus' relative generosity towards Archanea and sent an army to apprehend Nyna. This is an enemy phase oriented partner build that focus's on color tanking, providing a boost to defenses and attack alike.
Camus will also turn on peers who abuse their power. i mean cute sexy Anna Distant Def 3 gives Camus a chance to survive red and blue mages. FEH Content Update: 07/30/2020 - Mythic Hero (Hel:…
With Distant Counter built into his weapon, Camus has the freedom to pick a variety of powerful defensive A slot skills in its place, such as Distant Def 4 and Fort.Def/Res 3.Bonfire is a solid choice of Special for Camus as it has a reasonably quick cooldown and scales well off of his good Defense.Aether is also a good choice to grant Camus more self sustain, although this is hampered by its slow cooldown.Distant Def 4 is Camus optimal A slot choice, granting a massive boost to defenses and Nullifying buffs when attacked at range.
When Rigel began a war with neighboring country Zofia, King Zeke's fellow Rigelian general, Jerome, forced him and his squad into servitude by holding Tatiana hostage at the witch Nuibaba's manor.
Pulse Smoke can be useful, allowing Camus to attack more safely during the player phase. Filter by post type.
Despite Marth and Nyna's pleas to join their side, Camus refused to betray King Ludwick despite their conflicting principles, and was defeated in battle. Unfollow.
All images and names owned and trademarked by Nintendo and INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS are property of their respective owners.
fire emblem camus < > Most popular. Grid View List View. Grid View List View.
Camus’s lance of choice is his innate Gradivus, as an unconditional Distant Counter weapon is unique among his class type. Most popular Most recent. But Sigrun’s so good she deserves an extra toy to play with anyway C skill is flexible however attack smoke helps if he's surrounded or fighting multiple foes.Camus and Xander are very similar in that they both are the only built in Distant Counter weapon Cavalry users in the game, along with identical Atk and Res stats, and being GHB units. The ability to utilize powerful A slot skills while retaining the ability to counterattack at range unconditionally is something that no other lance cavalier possesses, letting Camus serve as a solid counter to ranged units with skills such as Distant Def 4 or Warding Stance 4 in his A slot.Being a Cavalier grants Camus much greater mobility as well as access to the powerful cavalry buffs.At only 17 base, Camus’s Resistance is simply terrible.
All posts. When Marth arrived, the four joined his army to oppose the Archanean Empire. Lull Spd/Def is also a solid option as it makes Camus more difficult to outspeed due to its Speed debuff combined with denying the Speed buffs of foes. pinkato . Link.
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