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bilbao fine arts museum

The new museum was born with a distinctly innovative spirit of its time and, in fact, the updating of the criteria and the risk assumed with the museum initiatives differentiate the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum from the rest of museums located in Spain. Its creation is unique taking into account the importance of bequests and donations from diverse patrons and benefactors, as well as the continuous effort of the museum itself to expand through major acquisitions. Further information: This is a category about a monument indexed in the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0001424. Temporary closure of the museum from Tuesday 18 September to Saturday 6 October. I thought it was marvellous, and I complemented it with a visit to the Louvre.

Jump to navigation Jump to search. Das Bilbao Fine Arts Museum ist ein Kunstmuseum. Jado was followed soon by other major donations of Antonio Plasencia, the House of Meetings of Guernica or the consulate of Bilbao.

Since its inception, the interest in establishing a representative artistic compendium has allowed to refine the selection criteria, and, as a result, the museum can offer and present a panoramic lengthy art history to its visitors. Take the Course. The works were completed in November 2001. After moving through various venues, the final headquarters were built in 1945, in a great neoclassical building that was to undertake paths expansions in 1970 and 2001 to house the growing museum collection. The Bilbao Fine Arts Museum was established in 1908 and opened in 1914, guided by the will to modernize individuals and adapt to the cultural moment that the city lived. Remodelling of the museum's old building.

One of the most famous is the portrait of el Conde de Villamarciel, painted during his first years in Paris.It makes evident his contact with the synthetism from the late 19th century. share Das Gebäude des Museums befindet sich vollständig im Doña Casilda Iturrizar Park der Stadt. Arnasa (Breath) (2020) The Guest Work Project An installation that uses light to show the museum breathing, by the artist Maider López +Info. Notable for the lengthy period it covers (from the 12th century to the present day) and the extraordinary variety of art works acquired since its inception, the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum collection currently boasts more than ten thousand works including 1,500 paintings, 400 sculptures, more than 6,500 works on paper and 1,000 pieces of art applied.These works are spread over 33 rooms corresponding to the permanent exhibition, and the museum's collection is divided into five main sections: ancient art, modern and contemporary art, Basque art, works on paper and applied arts.

This website uses cookies, both the Museum’s own and those of third parties, in order to gather statistical information regarding your browsing activities. Die Entwicklung sollte aber noch weiter gehen, denn 1970 … FINE ARTS MUSEUM Plaza del Museo, 2 48009 Bilbao 94 439 60 60 Metro stop: Moyúa.

It also intended to make use of a series of previously unused areas in order to group together and optimise those services the museum offered to visitors (reception area, cafeteria, restaurant, gift and book shop, library, teaching department and auditorium), as well as enlarging exhibition spaces.

While the Museum of Fine Arts moved to Deposito Franco Uribitarte in Bilbao, works in the Museum of Modern Art were expatriated. The important donations and legacies from both institutions and private individuals received by the museum in the first years of its life established the future lines along which the Collection would grow.Another of the museum's characteristics is its desire to be contemporaneous which, back in its beginnings, was in response to the concerns of the local artistic community. Likewise, it was pondered whether to relocate the main entrance to the museum and place the new entrance in the main thoroughfare linking the city centre with Abandoibarra. Die Kunst hat sich zu einem der relevantesten Aushängeschilder Bilbaos entwickelt, einer Stadt, der es gelungen ist sich zu erneuern und in den letzten Jahren von ihrer besten Seite zu zeigen.

The total investment amounted to some 15 million Euros which was financed by those institutions that make up part of the museum, namely the Basque Government, the County Council of Biscay and the Bilbao City Council. Bilbao Fine Arts Museum in Bilbao: Find opening hours and directions, compare prices before booking, see photos, and read reviews I enjoyed the Antonio López exhibition. Dieses enorme Erbe umfasst Werke vom 13. Thus, the Museum of Modern Art which was originally located in Council buildings, opened its own doors in 1924. BBK-Bilbao Fine Arts Museum programme +Info.

Decoration and Home / Prints and posters Tako Bilbao Playas del Abra 30,00 € (VAT inc) Thus, on October 25, 1924 the Museum of Modern Art opened its doors where previously the Conservatory of Music was installed, owned by the council.

Es ist das zweitgrößte und meistbesuchte Museum im Baskenland, nach dem Bilbao Guggenheim Museum und einem der reichsten spanischen Museen außerhalb Madrids.

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bilbao fine arts museum