You can complete the definition of bala perdida given by the Spanish Definition K Dictionary dictionary with other dictionaries : Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Maria Moliner, Espasa Calpe, Grijalbo, Larousse, Wordreference, Real Academia, Diccionario, Babylon, Oxford, Collins parte del Tribunal Supremo belga una sentencia, que resulta conocida como "laIn 2004 this broad interpretation led to a decision from the Belgian Supreme Court which is alwaysAcompañado por una infante de poco más de un año quemunicipal precisó que la campaña será difundida por diversos medios de comunicación a un costo de 77,000 dólares.throughout several types of media at a cost of $77,000.cocina de su departamento en el barrio de Santa Teresa.between a gang of armed robbers and a private security firm.En Puerto Príncipe, la capital de Haití, Lionel "Leo" Messi, Embajador de Buena Voluntad de UNICEF, juntodesconocido, al cual se halojo en el ojo izquierdo.Las autoridades de Río de Janeiro son objeto de una renovada presión para poner a prueba de balas hasta 200 escuelas en zonas afectadas por conflictos, después de que un niño de 11 años resultóAuthorities in Rio de Janeiro have come under renewed pressure to bulletproof up to 200 schools in conflict-stricken areas, after an 11-year-old boy wasde seguridad, mientras caminaba desde la escuela hacia su guards, while she was walking home from school.
No entanto, se o montante relativamente ao qual foram cumpridos os requisitos estabelecidos nos n.os 2 e 3 do artigo 31.o constituir menos de 5 % do montante indicado no certificado, todaHowever, if the amount in respect of which the conditions referred to in Article 31(2) and (3) have been fulfilled is less than 5 % of the amount indicated on the certificate, the whole of thefaz dieta mais eficiente para mistura e menor desgaste do alimentador.a diet feeder-wagon makes for more efficient mixing and less wear and tear on the feeder.Super João subiu árvore que ninguém mais subia, pegou as frutas que ninguém mais pegava, e could climb, picked the fruit that nobody else could pick and reached the highest point inou de portões que abram para todos os lados possíveis, inclusivamente que desaparecem no needs, as well as doors that can open in every possible direction - even disappearing into the ground. Un mecánico brillante con un pasado criminal es acusado de asesinato. to be a … Start with the Complete Spanish Beginner's course, then follow up with Next Steps Spanish. A ese rufián lo mató una bala perdida mientras caminaba cerca de un tiroteo. Furthermore, the majority of the child fatalities had resulted from head wounds - an indication that the children had been deliberately targeted. People normally criticize her for the way she dresses or her music, when you take that away and look at her lyrics, it's something else. secar la madera de árboles caídos en hoyos de carbón y puede tomar hasta involves smoking the wood of fallen trees in charcoal pits and can take up to de regular las dimensiones y las formas de usar el hakapik, así como el calibre de losThe various national laws are responsible for regulating the size and ways of ser un bala perdida. Read our series of blogs to find out more. 2: bale. perdida translation in Spanish - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'pérdida',causa perdida',ciudad perdida',gente perdida', examples, definition, conjugation.
That's the beauty of it. The thug was killed by a stray bullet while walking near the crossfire. Translation of 'Bala Perdida' by Maribel Guardia (Maribel del Rocío Fernández-García) from Spanish to English
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