Dark green summer time foliage turns burnished copper in winter. Mature Height x Spread: 7 feet x 8 feet. The beauty of the leaves in summer is supplanted by the magnificent tan-to-red seedheads appearing in late August. and 18 in. Cut just above the height of the emerging new growth when you prune in spring to avoid damaging growing tips. Print this Plant. You cut it back to a height of about 6 inches or less in the late winter or early spring. Maiden grass, also called eulalie grass, sends up tall stalks with feathery flowers called inflorescences in late summer, and these can stay on the plant all winter. Maiden Grass is a versatile ornamental grass with many faces.
From the stubble emerges an array of lance-shaped leaves with a silvery midrib. The plant is adaptable to most soil types and pH levels, even poor or compacted soil. Does well in full sun to partial shade. Winter brings another period of beauty when leaves turn buff brown and the seedheads fade to silver. Cultivars include "Gracillimus," with very thin foliage and pink inflorescences; "Strictus," with horizontal gold bands on the leaves; and white-edged "Morning Light. This maiden grass is such a delight to use in the garden as it works with virtually every plant that is paired with. The grass does not like to sit in wet soil, though, and is drought tolerant once established. The plants' large, arching growth habit makes them messy to prune. The plant surfaces seem to attract frost. The grasses range in size from 3 to 15 feet tall with an arching habit. It is a compact version of the larger maiden grasses like ‘Gracillimus’ so it can fit in all but the smallest gardens. Contact Us Street Address: (For Internet & Navigation Devices) 6N800 IL-25 St. Charles, IL 60174 Phone: (847) 742-1790 Fax: (847) 742-2655 Email: mginfo@midwestgroundcovers.com Current Hours: Monday - Friday: 7:00am - 5:00pm This is especially true for maiden grass planted in partial shade. While electric hedge-pruning shears cut quickly through the bundle, working your way through the base of the bundle with sharp hedge shears does not take long either.During the growing season, the outer arching stems can seriously flop, opening the center of the plant. Maiden Grass is a graceful focal point or privacy screen, whether you have a country or city garden feel. Named cultivars tend not to self-seed as much as the straight species. ©2011, Walter Reeves / The Simple Gardener, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Maiden Grass: USDA Zone: 5-9: Plant number: 8.270.300. Extremely easy to care for, this addition even perfectly enhances a freshly sheared lawn. Added Benefits. If you have a rain garden and want a low-maintenance, medium-height screening plant, this grass can meet your needs. In climates where the plant isn't hit by frost, control its size by cutting miscanthus back by half or more in midsummer to control its size and freshen its look, if necessary.The edges of maiden grass blades can be sharp. $9.99.
'Variegatus' is a variegated eulalia grass cultivar which typically grows in an arching, rounded clump to 5-6' tall (flower plumes can increase height to as much as 7- 9' tall). Light Requirements: Full sun. Protective clothing and gloves are a must whenever you prune. Clumps are always purchased in containers.
Various cultivars have variegations that contrast with the green leaf tissue. Height 150-210 cm 59-82 inches Spread 80-90 cm 31-35 inches Foot Traffic None Growth Rate Medium . Ornamental clumps, 3-4 ft. high, bloom in autumn. When they are in bloom, their height can easily expand to 5′. When, Where, and How to Plant Plant in the spring, so it establishes before summer heat. SKU: 09061. "While maiden grass foliage can turn a light tan as it dies back in the winter, you can leave the foliage in place to provide structure to the winter garden as well as seed and cover for wildlife. Reed was editor of the "Grand Ledge Independent" weekly newspaper and a Capitol Hill reporter for the national newsletter "Corporate & Foundation Grants Alert." The top of a clump is wider than the bottom. Feather reed grass, including the popular 'Karl Foerster' cultivar, needs above-average moisture conditions to thrive.
To make the process go more smoothly, tie the plant's arching stems into a bundle with twine or even an old belt.
Among the showiest and most beautiful of ornamental grasses, a clump of maiden grass grows to 7 feet by late summer.
The stems can be pruned off 3 inches from the ground in late winter to early spring for a fresh, neat look. Shipped at a height between 6 in. Visit us to learn more about our Maiden Ornamental Grass. Don't skip annual pruning just because you don't get around to it in late winter. This grass was once included in the genus Eulalia, but was subsequently reclassified to the genus Miscanthus with retention of its common name of Eulalia grass by many gardeners. She has a Bachelor of Arts in journalism from Michigan State University, is an avid gardener and volunteers at her local botanical garden. Adds height and texture to dried arrangements. Few things are more eye-catching than a frosted clump of maiden grass in front of a tall evergreen hedge.©2011, Walter Reeves / The Simple Gardener, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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