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national photography day 2020

version : 'v6.0' National Camera Day is June 29, a day to celebrate the fact that photography, once so complicated it took a scientist to understand, is now part of our everyday lives. Whether you love shooting film and changing lenses or prefer the ease of digital, use June 29 to focus on how cameras have made telling our stories easier than ever.The first mobile phone with a built-in camera is introduced.Numerous manufacturers went to work on cameras that stored images electronically,George Land invents the Land Camera, the world’s first instant-picture, nodevelopment-neededHenry Luce’s “Life” becomes the first all-photographic magazine to appear onEastman introduces Kodachrome, the first and arguably best color transparency film.The Leica I becomes the first practical and commercially successful 35 mm camera, aThe Wright Brothers invent the airplane, which revolutionizes aerial photography,The first mass-marketed camera goes on sale and the public goes wild.In 1884, George Eastman invents the first flexible photographic film. Unfortunately, when the light was gone, the image disappeared — like Instagram, but without an actual photo. Select life, or you could take and post a picture. The word “photography” is based on two Greek words that, when put together, mean “writing with light.’” } ); xfbml : true, July 1, 2020 Canada Day French-Canadian soldiers of the Royal 22nd Regiment parade in Quebec in the early 1970s. But in photography everything is so ordinary; it takes a lot of looking before you learn to see the extraordinary.” – David Bailey js.src = "//"; [fbl_login_button redirect="/email-confirmed/?signup=fb" hide_if_logged="" size="large" type="login_with" show_face="true" onlogin="fbl_loginCheck" scope="email,public_profile" use-continue-as="true" auto-logout-link="false"]

When you pre-order the 2021 version, we will ship the 2020 calendar ASAP. Known to have been used as a way to recreate events - artis… Everybody needs perspective once in a while, and you’ll find it there.” -Robb Sagendorph“One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.” - William Shakespeare“To photograph is to hold one’s breath when all faculties converge to capture fleeting reality. Meaning “dark chamber,” the camera obscura was nothing more than a box with a hole on one side.

Each year, June 15 is designated by the North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA) to promote the enjoyment of nature photography, and to explain how images are used to advance the cause of conservation and protect plants, wildlife, and landscapes both locally and globally. events and moments we care about most can be permanently captured, saved, and

One of the oldest attempts to record events was through the discovery of the camera obscura. appreciated gift.Researchers at Wake Forest University found that the left side of our faces looks better in photographs than the right side does.Because it used to take hours of exposure to capture a single image, many of the earliest photographic portraits taken were of corpses.Research published in the journal “Psychological Science” showed that, because being in a group averages out everyone’s features, we’re perceived as looking better in group shots than in individual portraits.In fact, the reason people look so grim in old photos is one of necessity; it’s almost impossible to maintain a smile when you have to sit absolutely still for hours to get a single shot.That was when Robert Cornelius set up his camera in the back part of his family store, removed the lens cap, and then ran into the frame to capture his own photograph, a process that took several minutes.Sure, you could pick up a pen or use a computer to write about what’s going on in your Smile! National Camera Day is June 29, a day to celebrate the fact that photography, once so complicated it took a scientist to understand, is now part of our everyday lives.

It could become the new family tradition.You don’t need a passport for this one, only enough free time to slow down and look at

August 1, 2020 On the Descent Mont Blanc stands on the border of Italy and France, the second tallest mountain in Europe. camera can give you a new perspective on how you see the world.Photos can eat up a lot of space on your computer or, worse, deteriorate when stashed - Don McCullin“Taking pictures is like tiptoeing into the kitchen late at night and stealing Oreo cookies.” - Diane Arbus“To me, photography is an art of observation. It all goes back more than 800 years to the invention of the camera obscura. }); Been down that street a hundred times? The word “photography” is based on two Greek words that, when put together, mean “writing with light.’” It’s a beautiful way of describing what a camera lets us do — tell a story without the use of words.