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know yourself questions

We get caught up in what’s trending, what opinions are popular, and what will look good to others. You are simply none of the terrible things you tell yourself. Last week, we talked about the “it” factor that all successful people seem to have in common.And I say this because that’s the way it is portrayed.

Hopefully helping all of us achieve that “it” factor that is just outside of our reach.But to be honest… this has been a question that I’ve struggled with for a long time.For as long as I can remember, I always changed my beliefs, my likes, and my personality based on who I was hanging out with.I’m not sure where it started.

And I me… No content on this site may be used in any fashion without written consent from Prolific Living Inc.By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. Honestly, that girl was unrecognizable. These questions are not meant to be easy or comfortable, but they are important to ask and to know.

Because today, I want to help you get to know yourself a little bit better.

At the core of our desires is living a life of purpose and meaning.At the core of a life of purpose and meaning is being of service to others.At the core of being of service to others is finding peace and happiness.At the core of finding peace and happiness, we discover who we are.And to do that, we must get over a little irony, that most of us hardly know – much less, know well – the single person we have spent every second of our existence with, our own selves.Think you’re the exception? 32.

The next day, use your answers as a guide to make your life the best blend it can be. Even fun.

You are brilliant, smart and wise. Things became more difficult. Neither are we talking about your favorite colors, your best childhood friend or your high school prom experience (thank goodness about the last one ;)).We are talking about something much greater and of higher consequence. And it brought up some ugly truths about my life.So I encourage you to not only ask yourself these questions but to answer them with the first thing that comes to your mind.
I promise it will all fall together. A few months ago, I saw this blog post on Pinterest with 5 fast questions to ask yourself.The goal was to ask yourself these questions so fast that you didn’t have time to think of the answer. And I didn’t recognize the person I was when I was with my high school boyfriend. And I was forced to do things on my own with him. Grab your journal or a notepad and pen, find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed and work through these 30 questions to get to know yourself.. Write your answers to each question quickly and honestly and enjoy getting to know you.. And discover the path you are meant to go.. On the first day, answer the questions to get to know yourself better. Part of knowing yourself is feeling content and satisfied with the choices you make, and this comes with the acknowledgement that everything is temporary unless you choose to make it a permanent fixture. But when I had those few months to just be by myself in this strange place where I knew no one, I really came alive! Know Yourself—Lest You Act Aimlessly I think a lot of us go about life doing what we think we should without making sure what we’re doing actually matters to us. Who matters most to me? And I encourage you to continue to ask yourself questions outside of this one sitting.Grab a journal or a notebook and ask yourself questions once a week. These questions are not meant to be easy or comfortable, but they are important to ask and to know. Because it wasn’t who I truly was. As you ask yourself questions, the process of self-inquiry begins, and at first, it is uncomfortable and unfamiliar – especially if you have never done it – yet in time, it becomes easier.

And this will all make sense in the long run.Cathrin (Cath) creates content that encourages bloggers & online entrepreneurs to be themselves, chase their passion,  and create their success online.
You see, those are very precious. You are loved, You are not too old or too fat or too poor. You are deep and fascinating. You are beyond capable to do what you dream. Posted: And it took a lot for me to try and discover who I was, what I believed, what I liked, and what If I could go back and tell myself anything, I would say:And if you need or needed that little pep talk too, feel free to read those few sentences over and over again until they stick. And then I joined a sorority and I did whatever my sorority sisters did.I’m glad that I had my high school sweetheart to get me through those years of high school and teach me what real love looks like.

But to be honest… this has been a question that I’ve struggled with for a long time. Difficult really. I didn’t want to go anywhere without him.We would meet in the hallways after class, hang out after school, on weekends, at football games, sit together on our way to swim meets and every other chance we got.And back then, that seemed normal.

And I’m hoping that it left you feeling a little confused and unsure of where to go from here. Last week, I asked you this question. For as long as I can remember, I always changed my beliefs, my likes, and my personality based on who I was hanging out with. If you ask yourself mind-opening, forwarding questions, you’ll gain a lot more out of them.

Just do it!2009-2019 Prolific Living Inc. ® All rights reserved. And I did.I uncovered things that I didn’t know were weighing so heavily on my heart. 33. It may or may not be true. Because these questions are backward looking, the answers you get with them are naturally disempowering. Getting to know yourself IS worthwhile. But I can distinctly remember back to high school when I had my first serious boyfriend. Or be afraid to believe.You are a unique child of this world. You know, the one that made you stop, think, perhaps hesitate for a moment, and then answer.

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know yourself questions