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wind verb sentence

145. wind verb translate: . All the while the wind was rising. A gust of wind flung snow into her face. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. In the distance, he saw the massive fortress that was Death's, and he saw the Lake of Souls he'd seen in angel memories. The day was darkening. The homographs are wind (winned) and wind (wined). Liste gängiger Verben: Conjugate the English verb wind: indicative, past tense, participle, present perfect, gerund, conjugation models and irregular verbs. Learn more. They ascended several floors, until Katie was sucking While I was surveying, the ice, which was sixteen inches thick, undulated under a slight With a startled gasp, she dashed into the cabin, struggling to shut the door against the rising It roared on the tin roof and plunged off the eves, where the She followed him out on the porch, gasping as a gust of cold In Sicily and southern Italy the Sirocco occurs at all seasons; it is a dry, dusty Elsewhere local surface currents are developed, either drifts due to the direct action of the The Elster and Geitel apparatus is furnished with a cover, serving to protect the dissipator from the direct action of rain, Simpson got similar results at Karasjok; the rise in a + and a_ with increased Dissipation was above the average when cyclonic conditions prevailed, but this seemed simply a consequence of the increased Broken Bay and other inlets, and several headlands, were also seen and named, but the vessel did not come to an anchor till Moreton Bay was reached, although the The number of rainy days throughout the peninsula varies from 160 to over 200 in each year, but violent gusts of The mistral of the Riviera is entirely absent from Algiers, but in summer the city occasionally suffers from the sirocco or desert On the polar side of the high-pressure area a west Anemometers may be divided into two classes, (1) those that measure the velocity, (2) those that measure the pressure of the The cups are placed symmetrically on the end of the arms, and it is easy to see that the Unfortunately, when Dr Robinson first designed his anemometer, he stated that no matter what the size:of the cups or the length of the arms, the cups always moved with one-third of the velocity of the This result was apparently confirmed by some independent experiments, but it Is very far from the truth, for it is now known that the actual ratio, or factor as it is commonly called, of the velocity of the The distortion of the spring determines the actual force which the ft., but it is now fairly certain that these high values are erroneous, and due, not to the A violent gust strikes the plate, which is driven back and carried by its own momentum far past the position in which a steady In this arrangement a catch is provided so that the plate being once driven back by the of fine sewing cotton has been employed to measure the Lind's anemometer, which consists simply of a U tube containing liquid with one end bent into a horizontal direction to face the 1) utilizes the increased pressure in the open mouth of a straight tube facing the Thus if the instrument depends on the pressure or suction effect alone, and this pressure or suction is measured against the air pressure in an ordinary room, in which the doors and Similar principles apply in infinite detail to the treatment of Larger combinations, being semi-orchestral, especially where the double-bass and All creatures he called his "brothers" or "sisters" - the chief example is the poem of the "Praises of the Creatures," wherein "brother Sun," "sister Moon," "brother A rising was organized for February 1831; but Francis got Robinson published a number of papers in scientific journals, and the Armagh catalogue of stars (Places of 5345 Stars observed from 1828 to 1854 at the Armagh Observatory, Dublin, 1859), but he is best known as the inventor (1846) of the cup-anemometer for registering the velocity of the The fertile leaves or sporophylls are generally aggregated on special shoots to form rioweN which may contain one or both kinds The microspores are set free from the sporangiurn and carried generally by This may be due to frost, especially in thin-barked trees, and often occurs in beeches, pears, &c.; or it may result from bruising by The pollination, of flowers and the dispersal of seeds by various animals are biological factors; but pollination and dispersal by the Thus the stream bed, from which at first the water might be blown away into a new channel by a gale of The building and handling of vessels also, and the utilization of such uncontrollable powers of nature as While steam has been said to make a ship independent of The older navigation by utilizing the power of the The management of the company had meanwhile passed into the hands of others, whose sole object was to settle accounts with the government, and A Log Book is a marine or sea journal, containing, in the British navy, the speed, course, leeway, direction and force of the The distance from Rarotonga to New Zealand is about 2000 m., and, with the aid of the trade The colouring of the steppe changes as if by magic, and only the silvery plumes of the steppe-grass (Stipa pennata) wave in the The south-west monsoon does not generally extend, in its character of a south-west Such a reduction of temperature is brought about along the greater part of the coasts of India and of the BurmoSiamese peninsula by the interruption of the The army was visited by a plague, and the fleet was prevented from sailing by the total absence of The mean rise and fall of the tide is about 2 ft., but under certain conditions of On the eastern side are numerous sand hills, formed by the The sea immediately south of Formosa is the birthplace of innumerable typhoons, but the high mountains of the island protect it partially against the extreme violence of the The ordinary rise and fall of the river is comparatively slight, but when the west 150) by name, Podarge, the mother of the coursers of Achilles by Zephyrus, the generative (1892-1893), the Harpies are the hostile spirits of the scorching south Here, too, the sand is raised into ever-changing hills by the force of the In both alike the scirocco, bringing rain from the south-west, is a prevalent Sometimes, in the months of June, July and August, when the sherki or south The climate of Thrace was regarded by the Greeks as very severe, and that country was spoken of as the home of the north Oligoneuria and allies) the legs are aborted, and the creatures are driven helplessly about by the Bizerta occupies the site of the ancient Tyrian colony, Hippo Zarytus or Diarrhytus, the harbour of which, by means of a spacious pier, protecting it from the north-east The nature of the soil appears, however, to be of secondary importance, provided that it is able to hold moisture and that climatic conditions of high and even temperature with considerable rainfall and absence of The flowers are yellow, and the seeds enclosed in a pod are long and thin with numerous long silky fibres attached to them, which enable the seeds to be readily carried by the In Cumberland, Northumberland, Durham and latterly the United States, the reverberatory furnace is used only for roasting the ore, and the oxidized ore is then reduced by fusion in a low, square blastfurnace (a "Scottish hearth furnace") lined with cast iron, as is also the inclined sole-plate which is made to project beyond the furnace, the outside portion (the "work-stone") being provided with grooves guiding any molten metal that may be placed on the "stone" into a cast iron pot; the "tuyere" for the introduction of the Marine rainbow is the name given to the chromatic displays formed by the sun's rays falling on the spray drawn up by the It must be remembered that the Arabs, who inhabit an extremely hot country, are very fully clothed, while the Fuegians at the extremity, of Cape Horn, exposed to all the rigours of an antarctic climate, have, as sole protection, a skin attached to the body by cords, so that it can be shifted to either side according to the direction of the The plan which he laid to attack it in the Golfe Jouan in June may possibly have served to some extent as an inspiration, if not as a model, to Nelson for the battle of the Nile, but the The Tower was injured, and a portion of the roof of the church of St Mary-leBow, Cheapside, was carried off and fell some distance away, being forced into the ground as much as 20 ft., a proof of the badness of the thoroughfares as well as of the force of the As a result of its relatively great depth there are seldom any great fluctuations of level in this lake due to The dust caused much annoyance whenever there was any The artillery still remaining to be embarked was for the most part got afloat during the early hours of darkness, and the infantry followed; but the (where rapids interrupt the currents) the valleys open out and the rivers Adapa while fishing had broken the wings of the south Moreover the rain penetrates into the small interstices between its particles and dissolves out some of the materials which bind the whole into a solid stone, the surface then becoming a loose powdery mass which falls to the ground below or is carried away by the On the other hand it should not be too open in texture or the roots do not get a proper hold of the ground and are easily disturbed by In the south of the Nafud, where Huber found the prevailing At Tunis the temperature rarely exceeds 90°, except with a Passing the summit of that range, it rushes down as a cool and dry Meeting with no evaporating surface, and with no temperature colder than that to which it is subjected on the mountain-tops, this The monument, after repeatedly resisting the violence of curiosity, was broken into in 1810 by the French soldiery; the statue was mutilated, and the yellow hair was cut from the broken skeleton, to be preserved in reliquaries and blown away by the Opposite stands the new Pinakothek, built 1846-1853, the frescoes on which, designed by Kaulbach, show the effects of hawah, " sink, glide down " (through space); hawwa " blow " (" He rides through the air, He blows " (Wellhausen), would be a fit name for a god of The cherub upon which he rides when he flies on the wings of the The climate of the locality is better than that of the other districts of Berar; the hot These differences are due to the action of the north-westerly The intervening sea being comparatively warm, this Crossing the mountains and descending their eastern slopes, the They come from tile adjacent continent of Asia, and they de- A comparison of the force habitually developed by the A calamitous atmospheric feature is the periodical arrival of storms called typhoons (Japanese tai-fu or great About 1893 a satisfactory machine was ready, and a new series of troubles had to be faced, for it had to be launched at a certain initial speed, and in the face of any The flowers appear generally before the leaves and are thus rendered more conspicuous, while passage of pollen by the Fertilization is effected by insects, especially by bees, which are directed in their search by the colour and fragrance of the flowers; but some pollen must also be transported by the The regular tides are hardly perceptible, but, under the influence of barometric pressure and The direct passes across it from Herat (the Baba and the Ardewan) Between the 26th and the 30th of July Tromp, by a series of skilful manoeuvres, united the divided Dutch squadrons in the face of Monk's fleet, and on the 30th he stood out to sea with the Danger stimulated the English government to active exertions, and by the 21st of July Monk and Rupert were enabled by a happy combination of In the region of tropical hurricanes the navies, while in the Mediterranean and in the Indian Ocean converging Similar effects are produced in narrow waters by the action of tidal currents, and the influence of a steady In small nearly land-locked basins shut off from one another by bars rising to within a short distance of the surface and affected both by strong tidal currents and by a considerable admixture of land water, the contrasts of vertical distribution of temperature with the seasons are strongly marked, and there are also great unperiodic changes effected mainly by per hour, the drift-current depth in latitude 5° would be approximately 104 fathoms, in latitude 15°, 55 fathoms, and in latitude 45° only from 33 to 38 fathoms.

Wind definition is - a natural movement of air of any velocity; especially : the earth's air or the gas surrounding a planet in natural motion horizontally. After sunset the wind had dropped. Definition und die Übersetzung im Kontext von wind Das Verb hat mehrere Konjugationsvarianten, die verschiedene Bedeutungen haben könnten. 227.

Of course, a little make-up and the right clothes could do wonders - which was a good way to A third asserts that the cause of its movement lies in the smoke which the There they slowed down and let the horses get their The hot rays of the sun beat down vertically and a fresh soft I've been on climbs in all kinds of weather, some all day, rappelling down at dusk, nearly in the dark, with Instead of sitting at his ease in a parlor car, he went jolting along through mud and mire, exposed to Katie clicked the phone off and looked at the five-year-old doing They Transported to the mountainside again, and the cold As soon as the sun appeared in a clear strip of sky beneath the clouds, the The top of the buggy caught the air like a parachute or an umbrella filled with He had just constructed a boat that could be propelled by a kite with the So many autumn, ay, and winter days, spent outside the town, trying to hear what was in the The factors that enable us to solve for and eliminate disease are getting better all the time, like Before he gave his Immortal soul to death, he.d never noticed how sweet the air was or how the grass sang as the She wondered what would be worth the investment, but didn't want to It was as if I hadn't had time to come to grips with that tragedy with the world Aside from the scarring, a maroon tattoo seemed to He beat the air mercilessly with his wings, rising high above the city and coasting on cold And now, from the hints contained in his letter and given by the little princess, he saw which way the It was worth the while to see the sun shine on these things, and hear the free The bullfrogs trump to usher in the night, and the note of the whip-poor-will is borne on the rippling The next day, while exercising, she spelled to me, "Helen "That woman could blow this entire enterprise higher than a kite in a Sean's body collapsed beneath the blanket, and the ocean's My thoughts would often rise and beat up like birds against the Several battalions of soldiers, in their shirt sleeves despite the cold One morning, between seven and eight, returning after a sleepless night, he sent for embers, changed his rain-soaked underclothes, said his prayers, drank tea, got warm, then tidied up the things on the table and in his own corner, and, his face glowing from exposure to the Peasants having no clear idea of the cause of rain, say, according to whether they want rain or fine weather: "The Their fears were well founded, for their long absence had alarmed the King, and he mounted North Virgil is serene and lovely like a marble Apollo in the moonlight; Homer is a beautiful, animated youth in the full sunlight with the Sometimes, on Sundays, I heard the bells, the Lincoln, Acton, Bedford, or Concord bell, when the As I walked in the woods to see the birds and squirrels, so I walked in the village to see the men and boys; instead of the Perhaps on that spring morning when Adam and Eve were driven out of Eden Walden Pond was already in existence, and even then breaking up in a gentle spring rain accompanied with mist and a southerly I have sometimes disturbed a fish hawk sitting on a white pine over the water; but I doubt if it is ever profaned by the And at that moment, though the day was still, a light gust of Gabriel was at his place in the underworld, a small cottage tucked into Death.s realm, in the Everdark forest of Immortal trees whose hissing, fanlike leaves and snake-like branches moved to catch the quiet At most stations a+ and a_ both increase markedly as Its principal streams are those that cross the West Shore of the Coastal Plain and here This is an eco-friendly venue, which reduces its carbon footprint by composting waste, conserving water and using The opening of large tracts by the ice-cutters commonly causes a pond to break up earlier; for the water, agitated by the His trench was long and unfastened, the chilled winter His hands were hot on her hips and his body blocked the cold In the deepest part there are several acres more level than almost any field which is exposed to the sun, While he was speaking, the curtain of smoke that had concealed the hollow, driven by a rising His long, sleek hair was tied in a tight braid, and despite the cold and The Indians had advanced so far as to regulate the effect of the That curly grass which always grows by country roadsides became clearly visible, still wet with the night's rain; the drooping branches of the birches, also wet, swayed in the He cupped his hand to her ear so she could hear over the howl of the rising Thursday's storm had roared into town with uncommon severity, bringing with it not only more than two feet of fresh snow, but a When the stopping jolt came, it nearly knocked the Katie followed her into the dairy and closed the door against the No doubt Tessa was in labor and searching for a private place to give birth - some place high in the rocks, away from the water, but sheltered from the Finally, he broke through the thatch of branches and leaves blocking most of the sun.

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wind verb sentence